L’Oreal Colour Degree

Throughout the years, L’Oréal Professionnel has established the most complete hair colour portfolio to give colourists all the shades and tools they need to provide bespoke colouring in salons.

Within this, the L’Oreal Colour Degree sets the standard for colourists who really take colouring hair to perfection seriously. With a deep dive into the science and technology behind the processes it provides an understanding of hair colouring second to none.

Our Senior Colourist Bridget Gay, completed her Colour Degree 2019, acing the weekly tests, entrance exams, and walking out with a portfolio that’s so thick it needs its own shelf in a library.  She has emerged with a greater knowledge of the chemical reactions that take place with natural and pre-treated hair pigments. This knowledge helps us achieve your desired results with greater colour accuracy and maintain your hair’s healthy condition.

Lady Marmalade is thrilled for Bridget and for you.

There’s a reason it is the industry benchmark for hair colouring.

KEY LEARNINGS ·      Understanding the science and chemistry of hair and skin

·      Understanding the effect of natural colour pigments on hair colour

·      How to formulate to compensate for distribution of natural colour pigments

·      How to colour every head of hair as a COLOUR EXPERT

·      Inspiration, motivation and networking

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